Tools menu
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The Tools menu contains special actions that can be performed on archives.

Wizards [Ctrl-W]
Starts the easy-to-use BitZipper Wizard interface.

Batch Tool [Ctrl-Alt-B
Starts the BitZipper Batch Tool, enabling you to work with multiple archives at once.

Test archive [Ctrl-T
Tests the archive content for checksum errors.

Make .exe file [
Converts the current archive into a self-extracting executable archive.

Convert [
Converts the current archive into another archive format.

UUEncode [Ctrl-U
UU-encodes the current archive for non-binary transfers.

Install [Ctrl-Alt-I
Installs the program in the current archive without you having to extract the files first. Only possible if the archive contains a setup.exe file.

Virus Scan [Ctrl-Alt-V
Checks the archive content for virus using an external anti-virus package.